Spell For Moving On After A Breakup – Assisting In Releasing Attachments To A Past Relationship, Allowing The Individual To Open Their Heart To New Love

Healing Spell For Moving On After A Breakup

After a breakup, moving on can be challenging, especially when lingering attachments to the past hold you back from embracing new love. Priest Nduga offers a powerful spell designed to assist in releasing attachments to a past relationship, helping you open your heart to new possibilities and fresh starts. This spell is crafted to clear emotional blocks and prepare you for a new chapter in love.

Release The Past And Welcome New Love

This spell focuses on helping you let go of past attachments and emotional baggage, paving the way for new, fulfilling relationships. Follow these steps to assist in moving on and making space for new love in your life.

Healing Spell For Moving On After A Breakup

For this spell, you will need:

  • A Black Candle (Symbolizing Release And Letting Go)
  • A White Candle (For New Beginnings And Purity)
  • A Piece Of Paper And Pen (For Writing Your Intentions)
  • A Small Bottle Of Lavender Oil (To Promote Emotional Healing And Peace)
  • A Clear Quartz Crystal (For Clarity And Emotional Renewal)


  1. Create A Reflective Space: Set up a calm and peaceful environment where you can focus on the spell. Light the black and white candles, placing them a few inches apart. Position the clear quartz crystal between the candles.
  2. Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your intention to release attachments to the past and open your heart to new love. Be clear about your desire to move forward and welcome new possibilities.
  3. Apply Lavender Oil: Anoint the piece of paper with a few drops of lavender oil, visualizing it cleansing and healing your emotional wounds from the past.
  4. Channel Healing Energy: Hold the clear quartz crystal in your hand and focus on the candle flames. Imagine the black candle flame burning away past attachments and the white candle flame filling you with the light of new beginnings. Chant:
    “By Candle’s Glow, Let The Past Be Gone, Embrace New Love And Move On.”
  5. Empower The Spell: Place the piece of paper with your intentions under the candles. Allow the candles to burn down completely, sending your desires for release and renewal into the universe.
  6. Seal The Spell: Keep the clear quartz crystal in a special place where it can continue to support your emotional healing and new beginnings. Trust that your intentions are helping you release the past and open your heart to new love.

Perform this spell during a waning moon to benefit from its energy of release and letting go.

Open Your Heart To New Love With Priest Nduga’s Guidance

While this spell can significantly aid in moving on from a past relationship, personalized guidance can provide even more profound results. Priest Nduga offers expert consultations to tailor spells that address your specific needs, ensuring a smoother transition to new love.

Contact Priest Nduga today at +256776265228 or Priestnduga@gmail.com to discover how customized spiritual practices can help you release the past and embrace new romantic possibilities.

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