Spell to Make Someone Text You: Why Wait for a Reply?

Spell to Make Someone Text You: Why Wait for a Reply?

Are you tired of waiting for that special someone to reply to your messages? Do you find yourself constantly checking your phone, hoping for a text from them? Well, the solution to your problems may be simpler than you think. With the right spell, you can make that person text you back in no time.

How does the Spell to Make Someone Text You work?

The Spell to Make Someone Text You is a form of sympathetic magic, where you use an object or image to represent the person you want to contact you. This object could be a photo, a piece of jewelry, or anything that the person has touched or used. By focusing your intent and energy on this object, you create a powerful connection that can influence the person’s subconscious mind.

Are you tired of waiting for someone to text you back? Do you wish you had the power to make them reach out to you first? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’re going to explore the mysterious world of spellcasting and teach you how to cast a spell to make someone text you.

What is a spell to make someone text you?

A spell to make someone text you is a form of magic that is intended to influence the behavior of another person. This spell is designed to increase the likelihood of someone reaching out to you first, whether it be through a text message or other means of communication.

How does it work?

The spell to make someone text you works by harnessing the power of intention and directing it towards a specific outcome. The spellcaster must focus their energy and thoughts on the desired outcome, in this case, the person texting them back. The spell may also involve the use of various materials, such as candles, crystals, and herbs, to enhance the spell’s effectiveness.

What do you need to cast the spell to make someone text you?

To cast the spell to make someone text you, you’ll need a few simple ingredients:

  • A white candle
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • Your phone

How to cast the spell to make someone text you

Now that you have your materials ready let’s dive into the steps to cast the spell to make someone text you.

Step 1: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you won’t be disturbed. Light the white candle and sit comfortably.

Step 2: Take the piece of paper and pen and write down the name of the person you want to text you. As you write their name, visualize them reaching out to you first.

Step 3: Hold the piece of paper in your hands and focus on the feeling of them texting you back. Imagine their name popping up on your phone screen, and the joy and excitement you feel when you receive their message.

Step 4: Repeat the following chant three times:

By the power of the universe and my will,

Let (name of the person) text me back,

As I speak, so mote it be.”

Step 5: Blow out the candle and place the piece of paper somewhere safe.

Step 6: Wait patiently and trust that the spell is working. It may take some time, but if your intentions are pure, and you cast the spell with conviction, there’s a good chance that the person you want to text you will reach out.

Tips for casting a successful spell to make someone text you

  • Believe in yourself and your ability to cast the spell successfully
  • Visualize the desired outcome as vividly as possible
  • Use positive affirmations to reinforce your intention
  • Be patient and trust that the universe will bring you what you desire


While the idea of using a spell to make someone text you may be tempting, it’s important to approach this topic with a healthy dose of caution.

Before casting any text me spell, focus on building genuine connections with the people in your life and being patient and respectful in your communications. With time and effort, you may find that the right people will come into your life and stay there without the need for magic spells.

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