Protection Spells – Safeguard Yourself against negative energies

Effective Protection Spells - Safeguard Yourself with Powerful Spells

If you are feeling vulnerable or unsafe, consider using protection spells. With the help of these spells, you can create a powerful shield of protection around you that will keep you safe from harm.

These magical rituals have been used for centuries to defend against many types of threats and misfortunes.

With just a few simple tools and ingredients, even beginner spell casters can learn to harness supernatural forces to create an invisible barrier around themselves or their home.

Protection spells come in handy during turbulent times or when facing confrontation. They can give you a sense of security when walking alone at night, provide a buffer against harsh words or criticism, or surround your property with fortification against burglary and vandalism.

Psychic shielding rituals can also help defend your mind and spirit from psychic attack or manipulation.

The exact materials and methods you use will vary depending on your intention, but some of the most popular protection spells include candle magic, jar spells, invocation of protective deities or angels, and charging crystals or amulets. Even carrying a talisman or placing warding symbols around your space can form an energetic shield against harm.

Here Are Some Protection Spells To Cater For Different Situations

With the right combination of focus, faith and magical supplies, you can harness the potent safeguarding powers of protection magic.


Protection Charm Bag Spell

This spell creates a portable charm bag you can carry to shield yourself from harm, negative energy, bad luck, or psychic attack. It’s perfect for protecting yourself in unsafe situations or when you need an extra layer of magical defence.

Items needed

  • Small drawstring bag or cloth pouch
  • Sea salt
  • Black tourmaline crystal
  • Piece of agate
  • Bay leaves
  • Hyssop leaves
  • White candle
  • Patchouli or sandalwood essential oil

How to cast

  1. Place the sea salt, black tourmaline, agate, bay leaves and hyssop into the drawstring bag. As you add each item, focus on the protective qualities it represents.
  2. Anoint the white candle with the essential oil. Light, it and hold the charm bag in the candle smoke to charge it. Say out loud, “Powers of defence shield this charm, keep me safe from injury and harm.”
  3. Tie the bag closed and visualize a glowing shield surrounding you. Carry it when in need of magical protection.

What to expect

  • You’ll feel an increased sense of safety and security when holding or wearing your charm bag.
  • It creates an energetic barrier that deflects negative energy and makes you less noticeable to people wishing you harm or ill-will.
  • Your dreams may become more positive and peaceful, signalling the charm is actively warding off psychic attack or bad vibes.
  • You’ll experience fewer minor accidents, arguments or confrontations. The charm bag improves your luck and smooths over tensions.
Home Protection Spell

Home Protection Spell

Protect your home from all harm and negative energy. It secures your space with magical barriers that repel intruders, psychic attack and hexes cast against you or your family.

Items needed

  • White or black candle
  • Sage smudge stick
  • Bowl of salt
  • Cornerstone dust from your home (or brick dust)
  • Camphor oil or eucalyptus oil

How to cast

  1. Light the sage and waft the smoke to purify your space. As you move through each room, visualize negative energy being dispelled.
  2. Sprinkle the salt in doorways, windowsills, and in a circle around your home. This acts as a barrier against harm.
  3. Place the candle in your main living space and burn cornerstone/brick dust with a few drops of camphor/eucalyptus oil to amplify its protective qualities.
  4. Repeat weekly or as needed. Visualize your home surrounded in an impenetrable bubble of white light.

What to expect

  • A tangible feeling of safety and being shielded when in your home.
  • Outside negativity or bad vibes bounce off or can’t penetrate your space.
  • Prevention of break-ins, vandalism, psychic attack/bad juju entering your sanctuary.
Shield Against Evil Protection Spell

Shield Against Evil Protection Spell

Create an impenetrable metaphysical shield to protect yourself from dark magic, curses, psychic attack or evil supernatural forces. It helps grant inner strength when facing malicious entities.

Items needed

  • Small mirror
  • White candle
  • Olive oil
  • Frankincense oil
  • Black salt

How to cast

  1. Draw a banishing pentacle with the frankincense oil on your third eye area.
  2. Coat the mirror in olive oil to dress it. Sprinkle black salt on its surface.
  3. Light the candle near the dressed mirror and gaze into your reflection. Visualize yourself surrounded in a glowing diamond shield.
  4. Chant: “I now defend against all evil, this shield surrounds me with its power. No hex or spell shall now unveil, my inner strength has made me whole.”
  5. Allow the candle to burn out. Carry the charged mirror when in need of urgent protection.

What to expect

  • A tangible barrier that even the most negative or evil of forces cannot penetrate.
  • Increased confidence and bravery when facing malicious entities or people wishing you harm.
  • Magical protection enhancing your natural intuition, making you more alert to danger around you.
  • Deflection of curses, hexes, or rituals cast against you – they fizzle away when hitting your shield.

Car Protection Spell

Keep your vehicle and passengers safe while driving. This spell wards against accidents, mechanical issues, dangerous weather, and harm caused by other drivers. It also helps prevent theft.

Items needed:

  • Protection oil (van van, saint Michael, exodus oil, etc.)
  • Car keyring or air freshener
  • Piece of black tourmaline

How to cast:

  1. Anoint your car key and air freshener with protection oil, focusing on safe travels.
  2. Place the black tourmaline under a seat to absorb negativity and prevent car trouble.
  3. Hold your keys and visualize your car surrounded in an egg-shaped shield of light to protect all directions as you drive.

What to expect:

  • Increased driver awareness and protection against reckless drivers.
  • Fewer close calls, spin-outs, or accidents – especially in bad weather.
  • Prevention of breakdowns, stalling, flat tires and other mechanical issues while driving.
  • Reduced risk of theft or vandalism when parked.
Pregnancy Protection Spell

Pregnancy Protection Spell

Safeguard yourself and your unborn baby during pregnancy and childbirth. This spell nurtures your bond, wards against pregnancy complications or miscarriage, and ensures a smooth delivery.

Items needed:

  • Rose quartz
  • Pregnancy tea (red raspberry leaf, etc.)
  • Silver or moonstone jewelry
  • Scented oil like lavender, chamomile, etc.

How to cast:

  1. Wear rose quartz jewelry and silver/moonstone near your womb to protect and calm you.
  2. Drink pregnancy tea daily and visualize your baby cocooned in protective light.
  3. Apply scented oil to your belly; connect with your baby. Chant: “Guardian angels, spirits kind, bless this child and soothe my mind.”

What to expect:

  • Feelings of calm and relief from pregnancy worries or complications.
  • Easier births as the spell smooths the delivery process.
  • Strong supernatural protection forming around your womb.
  • Lucid dreams depicting your baby enveloped in light – a sign all is well.
Relationship Protection Spell

Relationship Protection Spell

Shield your relationship from interference, jealousy, unhelpful advice, toxic temptations and arguments. It cultivates trust, commitment and longevity against forces trying to separate you.

Items needed:

  • 2 pink candles
  • 2 photographs of you as a couple
  • Rose quartz
  • Rose oil

How to cast:

  1. Place candles on either side of the photos, positioning you side-by-side.
  2. Dress candles with rose oil in upward strokes, visualizing your bond strengthening.
  3. Light the candles and declare: “No person or force shall make us stray, together we shall stay.”
  4. Let candles burn out and carry rose quartz to maintain the spell.

What to expect:

  • More open communication and feelings of closeness with your partner.
  • Outside opinions or toxic advice bouncing off your relationship shield.
  • Longevity and commitment growing, despite what tries to separate you.
  • Stronger sense of connection, even when physically apart from each other.
Job Protection Spell

Job Protection Spell

Create stability and security in your career. This spell wards off unemployment, unsupportive bosses/coworkers, false accusations, and toxic work environments. It also boosts productivity and success.

Items needed:

  • Yellow candle
  • Patchouli oil
  • Bay leaves
  • Paper with your goals/desires

How to cast:

  1. Anoint the candle with patchouli oil to manifest prosperity.
  2. Write your career goals/desires on paper and place under the candle.
  3. Light the candle and let it burn while visualizing yourself succeeding at work.
  4. Scatter bay leaves around your workspace to repel negativity.

What to expect:

  • Promotions, raises, and long-term job security.
  • Less office drama, politics, or problematic coworkers/bosses.
  • Confidence and charisma during interviews, presentations and meetings.
  • Your skills and contributions being recognized and rewarded.
Protection Spell Against Curses

Protection Spell Against Curses

Cleanse yourself of any curses, hexes, or dark magic cast against you. This spell creates a supernatural filter that prevents future curses from taking hold.

Items needed:

  • Purifying incense like sage, myrrh, etc.
  • Fresh water
  • Sea salt
  • Black candle

How to cast:

  1. Light the incense and waft it around your body to clear away dark energy.
  2. Add salt to water and drink to flush out any spiritual “poison” in your system.
  3. Light the black candle and declare: “Dark forces hear now these words I cast, your curses will not last! Be gone and trouble me no more, this spell now closes the door.”
  4. Let candle burn out completely for full protection.

What to expect:

  • Feelings of inner peace and spiritual clarity.
  • Nightmares or bad dreams subsiding.
  • Magical shield preventing future curses from manifesting.
  • Improved luck as if a cloud has lifted.
  • Curses or hexes sent your way will immediately boomerang back to the sender.
Bracelet For Everyday Protection

Bracelet For Everyday Protection

Enchant a bracelet you can wear 24/7 to shield against daily worries, obstacles, and negativity. It offers portable, on-the-go magical protection.

Items needed:

  • Stretchy bracelet with beads/stones
  • Protection oils like frankincense, vetiver, etc.
  • Black tourmaline chips or beads

How to cast:

  1. Add black tourmaline beads to the bracelet to absorb negative energy.
  2. Anoint bracelet with oil, focusing on safety and removing distress.
  3. Put bracelet on your wrist and declare: “Protected I shall be, this magic surrounds me. No harm shall come my way, this bracelet shields me night and day!”

What to expect:

  • Feeling generally shielded, safe, and secure throughout the day.
  • Obstacles smoothing over with less daily stress/anxiety.
  • Awareness of potential threats is heightened so they can be avoided.
  • Fewer minor accidents, injuries, or mishaps.
  • Bad vibes bouncing off your energetic shield.

When Things Have Escalated

When you are beyond simple signs or mere curiosity to want or need a protection spell. I employ you to seek a cleaning ritual done first to remove the bonds of evil in your life. Then protection will be beneficial to you.

For those seeking help from an experienced spiritualist am here to give a helping hand at an affordable price. See my client reviews here and testimonies.

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