Abundance Spells To Attract Prosperity

Abundance Spells To Attract Prosperity

Do you feel stuck in lack and limitation? Abundance spells can help turn your financial situation around by harnessing energy to attract prosperity. These magical rituals open the floodgates to wealth, success and prosperity in all forms.

Abundance magic works by magnifying your intention and sending it out to the Universe through rituals. Candle magic in particular provides a powerful metaphysical beacon for drawing money and luck your way.

Some popular candle spells use green candles dressed with oils, inscribed with runes, and burned while visualizing wealth. Crystal grids, money herb baths and vision boards also elevate prosperity. Gratitude and acting as if you already have abundance also amplifies the magic.

Practiced consistently, these rituals reprogram your subconscious money beliefs and align your vibration with prosperity. While results may take time, candle spells reinforce positive energy until the proof is undeniable. Many witches attest to very real turnarounds after doing prosperity work.

Tap into the Universal Law of Attraction using these magical techniques to manifest wealth. Start aligning with your birthright of success and prosperity!

Green Candle Money Spell

Green candles attract prosperity. This ritual sends a beacon to abundance energies.

Items needed:

  • Green candle
  • Money oil
  • Gold coins or jewelry (optional)

How to cast:

  1. Anoint candle with money oil from middle to outer edge.
  2. Hold coins/jewelry and focus on their prosperous essence.
  3. Light candle. Chant: “Abundance grows, money flows, prosperity comes now, this magic shows.”
  4. Let candle burn down completely.

What to expect:

  • New income sources presenting themselves in unexpected ways.
  • More motivation and intuitive ideas around increasing wealth.
  • Money coming in increments as spell builds momentum.
  • Flow of abundance as you align with prosperity energies.

Bay Leaf Abundance Spell

Bay leaves attract wishes and prosperity. This simple ritual manifests financial gain.

Items needed:

  • Bay leaf
  • Pen
  • Plate

How to cast:

  1. Hold bay leaf in both hands. Focus on prosperity wish.
  2. Write your wish on the leaf. Place on plate.
  3. Visualize wish manifesting as leaf dries.
  4. Once dried, carry as a talisman or burn to release energy.

What to expect:

  • New financial opportunities and ideas coming your way.
  • Windfalls, unexpected income and lucky breaks.
  • Your wish manifesting within weeks or months.
  • Bay leaf energy attracting wealth.

Invoking Abundance Spell

Call prosperity into your life using magically charged ingredients. This ritual invokes tangible financial gain.

Items needed:

  • Green candle
  • Cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, mint
  • Gold coins, jewelry or nuggets

How to cast:

  1. Sprinkle herbs in a circle around the candle. Place coins inside circle.
  2. Light candle while chanting, “Prosperity shine bright, money flow here, abundance ignite, wealth draw near.”
  3. Let candle burn down completely.
  4. Carry a coin as a talisman. Use herbs in food/tea to internally manifest.

What to expect:

  • Increase in income through expected and unexpected sources.
  • More abundance flowing in as spell channels positive energy.
  • Enhanced motivation, ideas and insights around prosperity.
  • Windfalls coming your way and financial luck.

Cinnamon Money Manifestation

Cinnamon boosts fast cash and personal wealth. This jar spell utilizes its prosperity power.

Items needed:

  • Cinnamon essential oil
  • Green candle
  • Small glass jar
  • Gold coins/jewelry

How to cast:

  1. Anoint candle and edge of jar with cinnamon oil.
  2. Place coins/jewelry inside jar to symbolize wealth.
  3. Light candle and hold jar, visualizing it filling with money.
  4. Once candle burns down, seal jar to retain energy. Shake daily.

What to expect:

  • Steady increase in income from multiple sources.
  • Wealth opportunities flowing your way out of the blue.
  • Financial luck after years of struggle.
  • Cinnamon magic multiplying prosperity fast!

Abundance Jar Spell

Keep a constant flow of prosperity using this magical jar filled with attraction herbs, oils and symbols.

Items needed:

  • Glass jar with lid
  • Green candle
  • Coins, mini ingots
  • Basil, mint, cinnamon

How to cast:

  1. Add your wealth items and herbs to the jar. Position evenly.
  2. Anoint the jar lid’s inner rim with candle wax then seal tightly.
  3. Hold jar to your heart as you light the candle. Chant for abundance.
  4. Let candle burn down. Shake jar daily to energize contents.

What to expect:

  • Steady increase in abundance flowing into your life.
  • The spell jar becoming a prosperity vortex each time you shake it.
  • Money coming in unexpected ways.
  • Relief from financial struggle. Your magic jar supplying prosperity!

When Things Have Escalated

When your situation has not changed or the results have faded over time. I employ you to get advice from someone with knowledge and experience in spell casting and spiritualism.

Get help from an experienced spiritualist am here to give a helping hand at an affordable price. See my client reviews here and testimonies.

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