How to Remove a Curse Placed Upon You Using Onion Cleansing

How to Remove a Curse Placed Upon You Using Onion Cleansing

Do you feel that someone has placed a curse upon you? Have you noticed that you are no longer succeeding in the way you used to before? If yes, then there might be a curse placed upon you that needs to be removed as soon as possible. In this article, we will discuss how to remove a curse using onion cleansing.

As a spiritual worker, I have found that onion cleansing is one of the most effective ways to remove curses. Onion cleansing is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries by spiritual workers to remove negative energies and curses. Onion has a powerful protective power that helps in spiritual cleansing.

To begin with onion cleansing, you need to start by believing that it will work. Cleanse your mind and your heart and have faith that the curse will be removed. If you do not have faith in the cleansing process, it may not work for you.

Here are the steps to follow to remove a curse using onion cleansing:

  1. Buy a fresh onion: You can use any type of onion, but it is recommended that you use a white onion.
  2. Cut the onion into quarters: Cut the onion into four pieces and place them in a bowl.
  3. Add salt to the bowl: Add a tablespoon of salt to the bowl of onions.
  4. Pray over the onion: Say a prayer over the onion, asking God to remove any curses or negative energies that may be affecting you.
  5. Rub the onion on your body: Take one of the onion quarters and rub it all over your body, starting from your head and moving down to your feet.
  6. Discard the onion: After you have finished rubbing the onion on your body, discard it in the trash.
  7. Repeat the process: Repeat this process for three days in a row.
  8. Take a spiritual bath: After you have completed the onion cleansing for three days, take a spiritual bath to fully cleanse your body and remove any remaining negative energies.

It is important to note that onion cleansing is not a one-time thing. It needs to be done regularly to keep negative energies and curses away from you.

The Benefits of Onion Cleansing

Onion cleansing can help to remove negative energy from the body and create a more positive environment. It is a simple and effective way to cleanse yourself from a curse or negative energy. Cleansing can help to improve your mood, increase your energy, and open doors to new opportunities.

Onion Cleansing: A Complement to Professional Help

It’s important to remember that onion cleansing is not a substitute for professional help. If you are experiencing severe symptoms or are in a crisis, it’s important to seek professional help immediately. Onion cleansing can be used as a complement to other treatments and practices to improve your overall well-being.


Onion cleansing is a simple and effective way to remove negative energy from the body and create a more positive environment. It is a spiritual practice that has been used for centuries and is believed to have protective power. If you are feeling cursed or experiencing stagnation in life, try onion cleansing today and see how it can help you move forward. Remember, while onion cleansing can be beneficial, it’s important to seek professional help if you are experiencing severe symptoms. As long as your hands are clean and you are doing the right thing that pleases God, anything you do will surely bless you.

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