Spell to Get Someone to Unblock You: Because Being Blocked is So Overrated

Spell to Get Someone to Unblock You: Because Being Blocked is So Overrated

Being blocked by someone can be the ultimate form of rejection, especially in this age of social media where we put so much of ourselves out there for the world to see. But fear not, my friend, for there is a solution. In this article, we will reveal a spell to get someone to unblock you and restore your power over the digital realm.

Spell to Get Someone to Unblock You

Have you ever been blocked by someone and just wished you could wave a magic wand to undo it? Well, you may not have a wand, but you do have a spell. The following is a simple yet effective spell to get someone to unblock you:


To perform this spell, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A piece of paper
  • A pen or pencil
  • A black candle
  • Matches or a lighter


  1. Write the person’s name who blocked you on the piece of paper.
  2. Light the black candle.
  3. Hold the paper over the flame and say, “By the power of fire, let this block be no more. Unblock me, [person’s name], and let me be free once more.”
  4. Blow out the candle and keep the piece of paper in a safe place.


Remember that spells are only effective if you truly believe in their power. So, if you perform this spell with doubt in your heart, it may not work. But if you believe in the magic of the universe, then this spell to get someone to unblock you may just be the ticket to regaining control over your digital destiny.


Can this spell backfire?

Spells can have unintended consequences, so use them at your own risk.

What if the person who blocked me finds out about this spell?

t’s up to you whether you want to tell them or not, but it’s best to keep your spellwork private to avoid any potential drama.

How long does it take for the spell to work?

Spells work in mysterious ways, so there’s no set time frame. Just trust in the universe to bring about the desired outcome.


Being blocked by someone can feel like a punch to the gut, but with this spell to get someone to unblock you, you can take back your power and move on with your life. Just remember, spells are not a substitute for communication and respect in relationships, so use them wisely and with the utmost care. Good luck and happy spell casting! Make your partner Call You with this spell.

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