How to Stop Black Magic Attacks: For all situations

Reclaim Your Life: Defeat Black Magic with Spiritual Healing

Black magic attacks are dangerous and can cause a variety of physical and emotional problems, including illness, financial loss, relationship problems, and even death. If you believe you are under a black magic attack, there are steps you can take to stop it.

In this article, I will share my knowledge and experience on how to stop black magic attacks. I will discuss the following topics:

  • What are black magic attacks?
  • How to tell if you are under a black magic attack
  • How to stop black magic attacks
  • Protective spells and rituals

What are black magic attacks?

Black magic attacks are curses or spells cast with the intention to harm another person. They can be cast by anyone, but they are most commonly cast by people who are jealous, angry, or vengeful.

Black magic attacks can take many different forms. They can be cast using objects, such as dolls, hair, or clothing. They can also be cast using words, such as chants or incantations.

How to tell if you are under a black magic attack

There are a number of signs that may indicate that you are under a black magic attack. These signs can include:

  • Feeling constantly tired or drained
  • Having bad luck
  • Experiencing unexplained illnesses or injuries
  • Having nightmares or night terrors
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Having relationship problems
  • Feeling like you are being watched or followed

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional, such as a priest, shaman, or psychic. They can help you to determine if you are under a black magic attack and, if so, how to stop it.

How to stop black magic attacks

There are a number of ways to stop black magic attacks. Some of the most common methods include:

Protection spells and rituals: There are a variety of protection spells and rituals that can be used to deflect black magic attacks. These spells and rituals can be performed by yourself or by a qualified professional.

Cleansing rituals: Cleansing rituals can be used to remove any negative energy or curses that have been cast on you. These rituals can be performed using a variety of methods, such as bathing in holy water, burning sage, or smudging with cedar.

Prayer: Prayer is a powerful way to protect yourself from black magic attacks. When you pray, you are calling on the help of a higher power to protect you from harm.

Protective spells and rituals

There are a number of protective spells and rituals that you can use to protect yourself from black magic attacks. Here are a few examples:

Salt circle spell: To perform this spell, simply draw a circle around yourself with salt. This will create a protective barrier that will deflect any negative energy or curses.

Black tourmaline necklace: Black tourmaline is a powerful protective stone. Wearing a black tourmaline necklace can help to protect you from black magic attacks.

Evil eye amulet: The evil eye amulet is a traditional amulet that is used to protect against the evil eye. Wearing an evil eye amulet can help to protect you from black magic attacks.

Cleansing rituals you can do yourself to block black magic attacks

There are a number of cleansing rituals that you can use to remove any negative energy or curses that have been cast on you. Here are a few examples:

Salt bath:

Salt is believed to have cleansing and protective properties. A salt bath can be used to remove negative energy, curses, and other harmful influences. You can use a salt bath whenever you feel like you need a spiritual cleanse, or if you are experiencing negative energy attacks.


  • 1 cup of salt
  • Warm bathwater


  1. Add the salt to the warm bathwater.
  2. Soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Visualize the salt absorbing all of the negative energy from your body and mind.
  4. When you are finished, drain the bath and rinse off with clean water.

Use Sage smudging:

Sage smoke is believed to clear negative energy and purify spaces. Sage smudging can be used to cleanse your home, your aura, or any other object or space that you feel needs to be cleansed. You can use sage smudging whenever you feel like your home or your energy feels heavy or negative.


  • Dried sage
  • A lighter or match
  • A fireproof bowl


  1. Light the dried sage with the lighter or match.
  2. Place the sage in the fireproof bowl.
  3. Walk through your home, waving the sage smoke throughout the space.
  4. Pay special attention to any areas where you feel negative energy.
  5. When you are finished, snuff out the sage and dispose of it properly.

Cedar smudging:

Smudging Cedar is believed to have protective and healing properties. Cedar smudging can be used to protect yourself and your home from negative energy, and to promote healing. You can use cedar smudging whenever you feel like you need protection, or if you are experiencing physical or emotional pain.


  • Dried cedar
  • A lighter or match
  • A fireproof bowl


  1. Light the dried cedar with the lighter or match.
  2. Place the cedar in the fireproof bowl.
  3. Walk through your home, waving the cedar smoke throughout the space.
  4. Pay special attention to any areas where you feel negative energy.
  5. When you are finished, snuff out the cedar and dispose of it properly.

Mirror spell:

A mirror spell is a simple way to reflect negative energy back to the sender. This type of spell can be used to protect yourself from curses, hexes, and other forms of psychic attack. You can use a mirror spell whenever you feel like you are being targeted by negative energy.


  • A mirror


  1. Place a mirror in front of your front door.
  2. Visualize the mirror reflecting any negative energy or curses back to the sender.
  3. You can also write a protection affirmation on the back of the mirror, such as “I am protected from all negative energy.”

Candle spell: 

A candle spell is a versatile spell that can be used for a variety of purposes, including protection, healing, and manifestation. To cast a protection candle spell, simply light a white candle and visualize a white protective light surrounding you and your home. You can also say a protection affirmation, such as “I am surrounded by white light and I am protected from all negative energy.”


  • A white candle
  • A fireproof container


  1. Light the white candle and place it in the fireproof container.
  2. As the candle burns, visualize a white protective light surrounding you and your home.
  3. You can also say a protection affirmation, such as “I am surrounded by white light and I am protected from all negative energy.”

Herb spell: 

Herbs have a variety of magical properties, and can be used to create spells for a variety of purposes. For a protection herb spell, simply mix together a handful of protective herbs, such as sage, rosemary, and lavender. Burn the herbs in a fireproof container and visualize a protective shield surrounding you and your home. You can also say a protection affirmation, such as “I am surrounded by a protective shield of light and I am safe from all harm.”


  • A handful of protective herbs, such as sage, rosemary, and lavender
  • A fireproof container


  1. Mix the herbs together in the fireproof container.
  2. Light the herbs with a lighter or match.
  3. As the herbs burn, visualize a protective shield surrounding you and your home.
  4. You can also say a protection affirmation, such as “I am surrounded by a protective shield of light and I am safe from all harm.”

Protection spell to create a shield around you

It’s a wonderful idea to cast a white magic spell to transform negative energy into positive energy so that you can no longer be harmed by curses or spells. This is not a weapon that strikes your enemy; it simply prevents them from further harming you.


  • A white candle
  • Black salt


  1. Carve the person’s name into the candle.
  2. Light the candle and create a circle around it with black salt.
  3. Repeat the following words:

“I protect myself from your negative energy. I turn your curse into a blessing. May your ill will be returned to you, And may I be free from harm.”

  1. Allow the candle to burn completely.

This spell works by creating a protective barrier around you and turning the negative energy of the curse into positive energy. The black salt helps to absorb and deflect the negative energy, while the white candle represents purity and protection.

You can use this spell whenever you feel like you are being targeted by negative energy, or if you have been cursed. It is a good idea to repeat the simple protection spell regularly to maintain your protection.

Cleansing rituals

Here are a few more examples of cleansing rituals that you can use to remove any negative energy or curses that have been cast on you:

Egg cleanse: To perform this ritual, simply fill a glass with water and crack an egg into the water. Hold the glass over your head and say a prayer asking for the egg to absorb any negative energy or curses. After a few minutes, dispose of the egg in the trash. Learn more about performing an eggg cleansing ritual here..

Crystal cleanse: To perform this ritual, simply place a protective crystal, such as black tourmaline or obsidian, in a bowl of water. Place the bowl of water under the moonlight for the night. The next morning, splash yourself with the water to cleanse yourself of any negative energy or curses.

Sound cleanse: To perform this ritual, simply play a cleansing sound, such as Tibetan singing bowls or bells. As you listen to the sound, visualize the negative energy or curses leaving your body.


Here is another simple prayer that you can use to protect yourself from black magic attacks:

Archangel Michael,

Please protect me from all black magic attacks.

Please surround me with your white light of protection.

Thank you for your love and support.


I believe that there are a few reasons why someone might be under attack by black magic. One possibility is that they have unknowingly crossed paths with a black magic practitioner. Another possibility is that someone is intentionally targeting them with black magic, perhaps due to jealousy, revenge, or some other negative emotion.

If you think you are under attack by black magic, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional, such as a spiritual leader, psychic, tarot reader, witch, or spell caster. They can help you identify the source of the attack and develop a plan to counteract it.

Here are some general tips for counteracting black magic attacks:

  • Protect yourself with a white light shield. This can be done through visualization or meditation.
  • Cleanse your aura and home with sage or other protective herbs.
  • Wear protective amulets or talismans.
  • Perform banishing spells to remove the negative energy from your life.

It is also important to remember that you are not alone. Many people have been through black magic attacks and have come out the other side. It is possible to overcome this challenge and reclaim your life.

If you need help, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or another qualified professional. We are here to support you on your journey.

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