Do love spells affect the persons free will | The Right Way to Do Love Spells

Do love spells affect the persons free will The Right Way to Do Love Spells

Casting spells and love rituals involves putting magic on someone. At some point which can affect their free Will, and manipulating them to do what your intent is aimed at. Love spells tend to be the trickiest of all, the place where many spells’ casters and voodoo priests go astray and fiddle in black magic with little or no experience and knowledge. Commonly on people that seek free love spells online for fast and cost-free results, yet they don’t have the magic in them.

This may be different for one who wishes to hex their partners or wish anything evil to happen. But the heart isn’t rational, and powerful emotions can interfere with good judgment. When you want someone really badly, it can be hard to refrain from using magic spells and love rituals to manipulate that person.

What makes a spell manipulative or affect free will?

The key condition to look for is whether it violates another person’s free will. You don’t have to actively harm someone to misuse love spells. Any time you force or coerce a person through magical means to do something he wouldn’t do of his own volition, you’re on shaky ground.

Whenever your desire to get what you want overshadows your respect for another person’s rights, you’re leaning in the wrong direction.

And that is why before I ever tend to any patient, I offer them a free reading to spiritually check what is really lacking. Whether the ex you want to comeback to you is really interested or not. Or something is blocking him/her and that there is true love between the both of you. Such grounds give you a picture of what you are about to do.

Either destroy someone’s relationship for your own benefit, or leave nature to take its course. The decision is yours and never influence it. I am a voodoo priest {spell caster} not a judge of character. Some may hate me for it and others are thankful because they get what they are looking for.

Trust your feelings, if you don’t feel right about it, don’t do it. Casting a spell on someone at times is genuinely in the right mindset and for the best reasons. How do you expect a stay home mother to look after 4 kids after separation with her husband due to cheating?

Check out the fidelity spell and faithfulness spell to keep your partner in line always.

The right way to do love spells without affecting ones free will

Take an example where you are interested in a specific person and want to attract him/her into a romantic relationship. Your intention and the love spell can make a huge difference in the outcome. Instead of chanting “mike and I a now lovers” which is forcing things. Say this instead “mike starts to notice me and we have the best relationship possible together”.

Then, if it’s best for the two of you to be lovers, that’s what will happen. If, on the other hand, another type of relationship would serve you and mike better, you’ll put yourself in a position to experience what’s best for both of you.

The ideal way is to let the universe find the right mate for you. Instead of fixating on a particular person, do a spell to attract the partner who’s right for you. This might turn out to be the individual you’ve got your eye on, but maybe there’s someone even better out there whom you haven’t met yet. Doing magic with an open mind and an open heart sends your message to the universe.

love spells that work
love spells that work immediately
love spell witchcraft
do love spells work


When you do a spell to tie a partner to you, you also bind yourself to that person. The bond can be extremely hard to break if you decide later on that your perfect lover isn’t perfect after all. Before you do a love spell, be absolutely certain about what you want. Even so, it’s wise to seek help from a professional spell caster or voodoo priest.

The love spells and rituals I cast for my patients are aimed to work for as long as you are still interested in a particular person. If you intend to end the relationship at a certain point then it shall be as you choose. It only takes 3 days for the spell to wear off and you continue with your life.  



Come to me spell – make a specific person to come to you

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